Meanwhile, Back in Arkansas - US Army Corp of Engineers
The Chickamauga spoke the Cherokee Trade Language as early as 1650s according to the Colonial Records of South Carolina because the British Colony called the Lower Town Chickamauga, "Lower Town Cherokee." Historically, the Chickamauga are not ethnically nor culturally affiliated with the Canadian, "du Chat Nation" who are today called the Cherokee.
Reality Check. The Chickamauga were in Arkansas, not the Cherokee. Only Lower Town Chickamauga go to Arkansas prior to 1819 because it was a violation of the Laws of the Cherokee Nation for anyone to cross the Mississippi River and remain a Cherokee. There were no Arkansas Cherokee, only Chickamauga. There were no Western Cherokee, only Chickamauga. There were no Old Settler Cherokee, only Chickamauga. There were no Immigrant Cherokee, only Chickamauga.
The Army Corp of Engineers identifies the Chickamauga as being in Arkansas as early as the 1780s until they depart for Indian Territory in 1828. The phrase "some were Chickamauga" is not accurate. Every Chief asking Spain to remove was a Lower Town, Chickamauga Chief. No Cherokee Chiefs asked the Spanish to go West because the main Chiefs of the Cherokee held Spaniards in disdain. Cherokee Chief Little Turkey called the Spaniards "Liars and Mulattoes who could not be trusted." His Council and Headmen publicly agreed with him so why would they ask to go West of the Mississippi and be under the protection of Liars and Mulattoes who could not be trusted?
Make no mistake, the United States government recognizes the Chickamauga and their Treaties with the United States, all 22 Treaties signed by the Chickamauga are recognized in Statute Code.
Enjoy this 2007 work of the Army Corp of Engineers as they provide another Federal Recognition of The Chickamauga Nation.

(C) This document was produced at the request of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on July 18, 2019, to document the History, Anthropology, Culture, Religion, and Archaeology of The Chickamauga Nation.